ambergris caye belize island

Saga Sale

STP83488Paul helping at Cindy’s table

STP83489Marie mixing up some delicious drinks

STP83491Carole at our table

STP83498Big turn out

STP83499Crocs anyone?

STP83505Setting up intuitive reading table

STP83507Giant yard sale in central park

STP83512Get your pet from Saga


STP83515Lots to buy

STP83516Wade at his booth

STP83521Shopping in the park

STP83522Busy day

STP83523Get clothing or a bacon buttie here

STP83535Loaded bacon buttie – yum

STP83529Lots to buy

STP83536Intuitive readings by Stacy and Joy

STP83538Brownies and hungry monkey subs

STP83546Readers were busy all afternoon

STP83548Barefoot Sandals were a hit

STP83554Water like glass

STP83565Barefoot Sandal

STP83566Raffle draw

STP83568Sharon won travel doggy dishes

STP83570Now she has it on right

STP83573Another happy prize winner

STP83581End of the day free pile and packing up

STP83584Free stuff was a big hit and disappeared in seconds

STP83585Sharon with a full cart

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