Legends Burger house is planning a great re-opening tonight, with Gino and The Shack Shakers the place will be definitely be rocking. Drop by and say hi to the new management team Mark and Minnie Worthington, Mark is looking forward to supporting local causes like the Belize Red Cross.

Below is Kristy’s version of the story about how her Belize volunteer experience evolved after after she responded to the post I had with a shipping request – Pennsylvania to Belize anyone?
In the springtime, you had posted a request asking if someone in the PA / OH / WVA area could bring down supplies collected by Derry UM Church. I offered, and then was in contact with Terri Shomo and Joanne O’Brien regarding the logistics. You suggested that I contact Linda Carter at Holy Cross, which then led me to Lydia Brown. Lydia and I exchanged many emails back and forth regarding additional items that we might be able to bring down.
Terri shipped me a box of school supplies, and at Lydia’s request, I added sewing materials, vitamins, and additional items that the school needed. When we arrived in San Pedro, we (my husband, 2 children and I) spent a day at Holy Cross, where we helped a team of volunteers paint the exterior of the classrooms. My husband, Rich, helped the men with the installation of a rain water collection system. At that time, we delivered the supplies to Lydia and Linda, who were very happy to have them. At Terri’s request, I asked that Lydia take pictures for me when the children returned to school and saw the new items.
It was a eye opening experience for us, and we felt so fortunate that we were able to help the students at Holy Cross in some small way. Rich and I plan to return to San Pedro in 2013, and I will certainly contact Lydia and Linda beforehand to see what we can bring down for them.
I’ve attached a few more pictures for you.
Thanks so much for putting us in contact with the right people, Laurie. We couldn’t have done it without you!! Hopefully we will be able to meet in 2013.
[Pictures from Kristy and Lydia]