San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Protect the Reef March and Fundraiser

With all the excitement in finding out I’m going to San Francisco for the Lonely Planet Blog Awards, I was planning on taking a well earned weekend off, but that was short lived. Got to talking to Jeannie on the phone this morning, and she reminded me about the big march today in support of protecting the mangroves and keeping the wildlife safe, instead of developing the heck out of natural areas that are more beneficial left untouched.

I hitched a ride to town with Jeannie, got to say a quick hi/bye to TQ and Keli at tropic, and then headed to the Hol Chan office to meet with friends for the parade. Since we were in Jeannie’s cart we got to do the ADD version of the parade; watched it take off, caught the front view coming down middle street, joined the tail end again, then took a side street to catch the grand finale at the park.

Just spoke to TQ – seems like the march breakers have taken over the planet and all the available seats. She’s doing a boomerang back to San Pedro.

Below is a bit more on what the day was about. Courtesy of an email sent from Denise Lee.

I highly encourage anyone who is looking for a good cause to help out on the island (even if you don’t live here) to explore this option. Today was the ACCSD march and fundraiser to promote awareness for the need to protect our reef and promote sustainable development on Ambergris Caye.

Parade Route: Starting at the Hol Chan Office, down middle street and finishing at Central Park. Following the parade is a fundraiser at the central park.

Among items up for auction were Island Ferry tickets (unlimited travel for a whole month), T-shirts, bumper stickers and children’s art work. Food and drinks were also sold to raise money.

All funds raised will be used to promote awareness through TV, radio, and newspaper ads.

REMEMBER: “Fish do grow on trees in San Pedro”.
For more information, please contact Kirah at Hol Chan, 226-2247 , or Rebecca at Seaduced, 226-2254

Ambergris Caye Citizens for Sustainable Development. Embracing development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

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