Thankfully there were no reported injuries from last night’s fire at Exotic Caye Resort.
Apparently the security guard said it was Denise from Pepperoni’s pizza that alerted him. He was on the other side of Crazy Canucks at the time. He rushed into action, woke and got everyone out of harms way.
According to Marla Vanderlaan (who shared the night time fire pics), said that they were woken up around 2:30 to evacuate their little room, and were allowed back in around 4:15. One of the units in Building 2 had a propane tank in it so the Fire Fighters kept the building watered down. They cut the line in case the tank needed to be removed. Marla said the Fire Department did a great job.
The fire started in the laundry building and reportedly spread to buildings 3, 4, and 5 which is closest to Melt Cafe.
Two “standby” rooms at Banana Beach Resort were used around 3:00 am and two more this morning at 9:00.
This morning much of the island had “jerky power” and power outs as a result of last night’s fire. Electric wires still burning in the resort area and Marla was not able to email pics till later this afternoon as things reached a point of further restoration.
Currently the burnt smell of the fire is still lingering as far north as Tropic Air.