Unfortunately 2 more things happening at the same time, neighborhood watch meetings At Catamaran Beach bar and El Divino Restaurant tonight.
San Pablo and San Marco areas are having a neighborhood watch meeting at 6:00 at Catamaran beach bar Caribbean Villas hotel. If you live in these areas pleas join us to discuss safety on our neighborhood. South Ambergris Caye Neighborhood watch is going to he helping us to brainstorm and get our group going again.
If you don’t live in San Pablo San Marco please come to El Divino for a meeting at 7:30.
Remember it is not just about “our house” and more so about looking at the bigger picture and building a sense of safety and security within our communities as a whole.
Make sure you have adequate lighting and remember to help your neighbor do same if they are unable to handle that task themselves. If you hear dogs on your street barking in a way that is different that usual take a look out the window and see if you notice anything or anyone out of the ordinary. If you have a camera handy take a picture it may prove useful.