I told someone not to long ago that I could blog for a month straight just from drafts and my ideas file, that does not include doing anything for anyone else or my to blog email folder. As I write today’s post, I am starting to think I could make it 2 months. Today’s info has been coming for a while and made top of the to do list, I needed to get it out before month end which is coming all too fast.
We have been experiencing strong March Winds this year, as a result divers were grounded a few times from going out. Thankfully wind has settled down a bit. The picture below was taken to show you just how windy it was at our house. We woke up one morning to discover that one of our pool loungers had been blown around big time. The one on it’s side was that way to dry out it is the one that was upside down that and a few feet away from where it originally was that surprised us.
I also had a report from Eileen at DandE’s that pollen was very high for mid March in North Ambergris Caye.
This next piece of information is definitely on Belize time, back to when Dick was back for a week at the end of February. We had our annual wash up of sargasso seaweed, it seemed unusually high compared to what I remember from years past. Sargasso also called sargassum is a brown seaweed with many species distributed throughout the temperate and tropical oceans of the world and favors shallow water and coral reefs.
Dick and I were doing our usual beach time and came up with the idea that a shift in the trade winds could be the partly the cause we got more than usual this year. My go to guy for info on that is Forrest, a sailor and knows about winds – this time he did not have an answer for me. Not long after I got to lounging and talking with klcman at Banana Beach and he was filling me in on what he knew from Google. He told me about the Sargasso Sea and how it got carried along by the current and eventually made it’s yearly trip to Belize.
Next I decided to talk to a friend who has been living here a long time and puts up with my endless questions to see if he could tell me more. He was very helpful and referred me to Marsha Waight as the person to talk to for more info on this topic.
Marsha confirmed, after 25+ years here it is a yearly event and that there did seem to be an abundance washed up on our beaches versus past years. She verified the weather patterns have changed and that could be a contributing factor but could not say it was for sure. Marsha sent me a link to Absolute Astronomy that has good write ups about the Sargasso Sea and one about Sargassum Facts.
To read more about Sargasso and see different pictures, you an check out – What Is All Over our Beaches? by San Pedro Scoop.

Island Style weekend fun:
Lola’s Pub is having their one year Anniversary Saturday night there will be live music, great food and lots of fun. Come on out and help them celebrate.
After a couple of months hiatus the Monthly San Pedro Poker Run will start at 6.15pm at Roadkill Bar on Saturday March 31st. All are welcome and as usual we will be visiting 5 local bars on the route. $25 Bz to enter, winner takes all the pot at the end. Very simple, very fun and very lucrative for the winner! (Pots can easily get up to $800 Bz +)
This Sunday for pool party day, Cowboy Doug’s pool bar and Grill at Grand Caribe has a special treat, Grill master Andrew Smileing from Smileing Meats in Belize City will be cooking up Ribs, Beans and slaw for $15 usd.
Checkout Cowboy’s Daily Happy Hour 5pm – 8pm with 2 for 1 Beer, house wine and local rum.
This next one is a very important cause that needs some ongoing regular help to keep their kids programs up and running. I spoke with Kate Vincent at Sew What to find out what it would take and she said $300 – $500 bzd a month to get self sustainable. That is not a lot of money folks lets put our thinking caps on and see how we can help the library get that so they can keep up the good work they are doing. If you are visiting I recomend you to check out our library, it is a really cool place right on the beach in town.
San Pedro Library needs sponsor for Children Easter Program.
The San Pedro Town Library has lost our sponsor. The skydivers from Boogie in Belize did not return this year. While some of us will miss the thrill of jumping out of a plane, other areas of our town are affected as well. For the past few years Rich Grimm and his crew, teamed up with Pedro’s Inn for a poker tournament which resulted in a generous donation that allowed our library to cover expenses for its programs for the remainder of the year. Holiday programs during Easter and Christmas, several weeks of summer programs for different age groups, movie nights and other events. The town library receives no funds outside of donations to be able to put on these programs. We are now in need of a sponsor for our Easter program this year.
If you would like to help, please call Iracela Acosta at the San Pedro Town Library 206-2028, or email sptlibrary@hotmail.com for more information.