I got sidetracked this morning and ended up on expat blog where I found a thought provoking post. As I read an answer from Emily who does Be Belize blog I decided I was going to add my own 5 reasons and blog Julien’s question along with them. To Read Emily’s answers you can visit the tread on expat blog. Here is the question….. Hi, if someone asks you the best reasons for making the choice to live and stay in Belize, what would be your top 5? Thanks in advance for participating, Julien Here are my answers in no particular order as to what made me take the plunge to live in Belize after our one 3 week vacation here almost 7 years ago. – English speaking made it easy to move/adjust here – Weather year round. In December it gets cold enough to wear my wetsuit in the pool and a polar fleece hat some nights, that is enough winter for me 🙂 – Friendly people and great food – Nat Geo moments all the time – Life changing experience
[divide style=”2″]I got a very important email today and am going to share it with you and I hope you will all go cast your vote, no log in required just click 3 votes. For those of you who do social media please share the Ocean Elders voting page for a Belize Coral Reef Interpretive Center far and wide. Don’t forget to look up Belize Aquarium supporters group on linked in and join.
- Group: Belize Aquarium Supporters
- Subject: Announcement from Belize Aquarium Supporters
I am trying to get the attention of Sir Richard Branson and other “Ocean Elders” to support the plan to develop our coral reef interpretive center in Belize. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Posted By David Gross

Belize Independence day parade pictures coming soon, got as far as first edit and need to get a bunch more on the chopping block 🙂 Here is a visual teaser for my pictures of the annual parade through San Pedro Town and the after party in Central Park.