As you saw from my Saga Spooktacular and Wayo’s Haunted Beach House posts earlier this week, it’s that time of year again, when goblins and ghouls come out to play.
My night started out with pre-party. Kendall had invited Lisa, Ronnie, and a few others over. I donned my costume and was going to call my new regular taxi driver when Cowboy Doug texted me to come to Banana Beach and I then I could score a ride to town.
This year I was all set to be a race car mechanic and scored a great cute dress at one of our many second-hand shops. Unfortunately, between the time I bought it and Halloween about 5 – 7 lbs happened and so I decided to give it Alex instead – was perfect for her. This left me in the last minute scramble for a costume.
On Fashionably Late with Rachel Zoe, they said: “the best costumes come from something you already own.” That made perfect sense and it was a no brainier for me, instantly I knew the direction I was going – sexy Japanese Ninja. I had everything I needed except a sword and wig. Thankfully one of my personal shoppers 😀 Lisa had a few days before her arrival on Friday and was willing to come to my rescue at Party City.
The annual Holiday Hotel party is always a chart topper and this year, while the general public did not go as all out, as usual, Jurassic Park made the night. When MC Eiden announced a latecomer, the Jurassic Park movie theme music started to play and a 15 foot or so Dinosaur complete with scientists and guards holding AK47’s came through the door. It was a jaw-dropping show stopper.
A few pics of people in costumes walking the purple carpet for a grand entrance.
Although it was a bit dark for video and the sound was not great I made a short video mashup for you of the party.