What a week, two tv shows, touring San Mateo with Red Cross and joy riding around with Maureen and Tracy who are back for lobsterfest 2012 and another volunteer vacation.
Director General Lily Bowman joined Ms Magana and Jessie coming to San Pedro this week for our community meeting this past Monday evening. Since she was going to be in town overnight we all agreed it was a good idea to do the morning show with Eiden and David and get it out there that we are looking for nominations for San Pedro Branch board members. At the meeting listening to Jorge, Lily decided that a trip to San Mateo was in order afterward so she could see it first hand.
I was not sure I would be able to make it, after doing the morning show, Doug and I were scheduled to do My Morning Matters with Rhonda Crichton and Anthony. Doug decided we all needed to do breakfast after and talk some more. The timing worked out perfectly to meet up with Lily Shirley and Ms Magana to go tour San Mateo and stop by the school before they had to fly back to Belize City.
Maureen and Tracy are here to further the progress on getting much needed composting toilets and waste water gardens into the area. They were both glad to hear that the Belize Red Cross had just done a drive through San Mateo and is revisiting the idea of how the area can be best helped.