The San Pedro Belize Red Cross have been getting out of country inquiries on how to help the Boca Del Rio fire families. Checks can made out to the Belize Red Crossand sent to Belize Red Cross #1 Gabourel Lane Belize City, Belize. Donations can also be sent by money gram or western union in name of Belize Red Cross.
Please make a note for San Pedro Fire victims along with your donation. Headquarters will process everything in Belize City and then send donations to San Pedro Branch.
Additional contact information for Belize Red Cross: Tel:501-2273319/2273617 Fax:501-223-0998 Skype: BelizeRedCross
Between back and forth between Reef Radio, Dollar Drive on the street, Lions Den and Tropic Air Cargo yesterday was a very busy and very worthwhile day. The telethon raised over 18.348.00 still waiting for final total and continuing to take cash and food donations. Everyone is working together to rebuild the lives of 20 families/80 people from the ground up and all help is appreciated.
Many people and Local businesses came out to Reef Radio to donate in person, more on that and thank you’s when we have a final total. San Pedro Branch, Young Lions and Fire Family dollar drive volunteers on the street collected close to $2000 from stopping everyone passing by on Middle Street.
NEMO gave out beds and gas tanks to the families and Supplies from Belize Red Cross will be handed out this morning.
The Lions Den reported during the telethon that enough clothing had been collected and they were starting a $1 sale with all proceeds going to the fire victims. Lots of people came out and shopped.
f you want to help, both Licks Restaurant in town and Banana beach Resort south of town have donation containers set up and will be accepting food donations until further notice.