Belize Fitness
In addition to being the title for this write up, Have Fun Stay Fit is also the business name of the great new personal trainers on the island. My friend Sandie told me about them and I was so surprised and very pleased that the price was $10.00 BZD per session. Sara and Greg use a solid combination that works your body hard and create the custom workouts geared towards the individual’s needs and goals.
- TRX straps work with gravity and the person’s body weight to increase core stability, balance, and strength.
- High Intensity interval training involves short burst of exercise and is known for it’s fat burning and muscle building.
- Also included is alternating use of weights, cardio and mat. Each time the training is varied.
Workout sessions last about 30-40 minutes and as mentioned above cost $10.00 Belize dollars – so worth it. They can be done with a group or on your own. If you do not opt to work out at their San Pablo area house, they will choose a time and location that fits your schedule. For me that was 10:00 am outside my house on the old Sunset Grill dock. Although a few friends have shown interest in trying it, so far no one has stepped up to the plate and come. That has not stopped me though, once again I am trying to get back into shape. At 49 years old there is no time like now and I know first hand if I do not use it I loose it – which has totally been the case. Thankfully I always manage to tone up fast which keeps me motivated once I manage to get back on the exercise wagon again. Also I’m thankful to Sarah and Greg for offering me a complimentary class to light my fitness fire – it worked and I am hooked.
How Do I Like It?
I love this workout option, it is fast, easy and home delivery option is awesome. Make no mistake by the end of my first 1/2 hour session I could totally feel the burn and was barely able to lift the weight up the last 3 times. Sarah and Greg were great. They took the time to get to know me and find out what my needs were. They also paid attention and corrected my stance when it was needed.
Making Progress
I just checked off my 5th session yesterday and since it has been just me I have been working with Sarah only. I have noticed a difference in my body shape and I am gaining muscle and strength. A true test of that was last night when I had to carry a 5 gallon water jug (about 41 lbs) home from Rocks on Middle Street. As I left the store with the heavy bottle in my arms like a big heavy baby, I instantly noticed how my chore was not as difficult as I had expected. I was still grateful that a cute boy offered to help me carry it the rest of the way when I got close to home – of course I accepted. 😉
Variety is the Spice of Life
Just when I thought I knew all her tools, Sarah switched it up. Instead of dumbbells she had me using a kettle bell weight in addition to the TRX straps and mat work. Each workout I have noticed different things in my body and sometimes I feel it longer afterward and sometimes not which is fine by me. I like the variety, keeps it interesting.
Fitness Goals
My current fitness goal is to get more toned and feel better inside my body. People often mistake skinny folks as automatically being healthy and fit which is not always the case. After my recent neck and back issues I was not feeling healthy. As soon as my chiropractor fixed me up enough I knew that exercise was important on my road to recovery and he agreed. I had long fallen out of working out so I am back to the beginning again in regards to making a plan and trying to stick with it. I found some extra motivation and I asked Sarah for permission from Sunshine to post her picture that was on the Have Fun Stay Fit facebook page. She got back to me right away with a “yes.” Sunshine and her story are extremely inspiring. It has been 16 weeks since she decided to make a lifestyle change because she was feeling uncomfortable in her skin. Along with working out she changed her eating habits and the progress she is making is remarkable. She noted this is just the beginning of the journey towards her ultimate goal. Sunshine is feeling proud of herself for her commitment and the results speak for themselves.

Lean More
Click through to learn more about High-intensity interval training, and about Benefits of TRX Training TRX full-body workouts.
Schedule a Workout
Contact Sarah to schedule a personal or group training session at their house or a location of your choice. By email or call 626-3503 Please note; training sessions across the bridge will cost slightly more due to bridge fee.
Sample of my Workouts
Here are pictures of my new trainers and some of the many varied moves we do during a training session.