I was watching Will I Am interview on the Gayle King show yesterday and found out that Black Eyed Peas are this years half time show. I am sure they will put on a fantastic high energy show. Super Bowl Sunday also marks a time honored tradition where we get to see the creative – the ok and missed the mark completely in the world of advertising.

Thanks for the compliment Belize Hotels.
Neri’s is close to the airport just down the road from where Hakal kiik Bakery used to be.
Hello all,
I just wanted to take a minute to tell you that you have a great site! Keep up the good work.
Airport area. Down the road from the old Hakal Kik and yes food is good. Boca Del Rio has a lot of good small local spots too and the park at night is still great.
Hey Laurie!
Where is Neri’s and good food??