A new style of medical care has come to Ambergris Caye. We now have the option to get state of the art diagnostic testing and treatment. Belize Medical Associates has been providing services since June 17th and was recently inaugurated September 7th. There is also a salon on the premises so you can leave looking great in addition to getting your health in order. The new facility offers: consultations, lab tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, and will be expanding its services in a timely manner. There is also a well-stocked pharmacy onsite. If they do not have what you need, they can order it from their Belize City location.

The full-time doctor in charge is well-known and loved Dr. Renae Reasa (Sersland). BMA will also have weekly rotating featured specialists. This will save patients time and money as the doctors are doing the flying. All you have to do is hop on your cart and drive to your appointment at the BMA facility located in Caribeville, north of the bridge. If you know what you are looking for medically, you will be able to go directly to the specialist instead of being referred by a doctor first. There is also no referral necessary for lab tests, x-rays or ultrasounds.
Current line up includes:
- Obstetrician and gynecologists – Dr. Marcelo Coyi and Dr. Anna Coen.
- Pediatricians Dr. Victor Rosado and Dr. Mirtha Ochoa.
- Interns, Dr. Filberto Cawich and Dr. Mark Musa
- Radiologist Dr. Guevarra
After speeches and fancy gold ribbon-cutting ceremony by Dr. Coyi and developer Sean Feinstein, we were split into groups of 10 and given a tour.

I was very impressed with the high quality environmentally friendly x-ray machine; 50% fewer chemicals. The technician pulled up the x-ray model Dr. Renae’s knee on the computer and showed how easy it is to show one or multiple angles and magnify. Medical Associates will be working with island doctors to help them acquire compatible software so information can be sent by the specialist to a patient’s regular doctor. Patients will also be able to receive results by email. This is a huge step forward for the island in terms of fast easy medical care.

Belize Medical Associates hours of operation Monday – Friday – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturdays 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. To schedule an appointment call 226-2262 or 226-2721. If you are out of the country and looking to get treatment while on vacation, (and on a cell) add +501. You can also make contact by email bma_marketing@belizemedical.com or like the BMA Facebook page to stay informed. They post the weekly doctors schedule on their page.
Currently, Grand Caribe Resort residents, guests, and staff will receive benefits with their exclusive BMA card. One of the big ones is being among the first group to be eligible to receive emergency after-hours medical care. Medical Associates is going to be expanding this option to the general public in the near future. It was a wonderful surprise that all the invited guests are considered “honorary residents” and had personalized medical cards given to them. I am so grateful I had professional photographer Karen Brodie do a professional headshot for work, making it easy for them to find a good “mug shot” for my card.

When our tour was done, we were all invited back to the rooftop bar to enjoy some refreshments and delicious food. We were served shrimp ceviche, chicken sandwiches and the most delicious bacon-wrapped stuffed dates. A perfect happy ending to celebrate such a huge medical advancement on Ambergris Caye.

I do not have a definitive answer on that Roberto. To my understanding, they are still ironing out the system so that it runs smoothly and that includes late-night emergency care. That is likely why you have received varied answers as everyone needs to get on the same page regarding the scenarios as you mentioned.
I have asked many times and received varied answers. Maybe you have the definitive answer.
Will BMA accept dire trauma patients ie: gunshot victims, stabbings, heart attack, etc..or other “must do something NOW or the patient dies?
IF they have no insurance nor the money to pay after?
How far will there Hippocratic Oath extend?
We locals understand up North we have no options, but what about in a dire emergency? Still back of a pick up down the road to the Poly?