San Pedro Belize beach pictures


It’s actually Monday night right now, but I’m crossing stuff off my list in order to get ready for my trip. I figured uploading the pics and text (see below) from my newest guest contributor Joe, is as good a place to start as any. He did a nice write up below and took some great pics of the kegger fundraiser for FOTHS at Sweet Basil. You can see more of Joe’s Belize photography here.

I’m sure when Wednesday morning rolls around and I’m hours away from leaving, I will be very glad to pre-scheduled this and be full of chatter about going away for a few days.

Finally Wednesday is here. I’m all packed and ready to go. Leaving on the 2 PM at Tropic. It’s very sunny and windy here today, heard it’s around 50 degrees in SF. Got my jean jacket packed, hopefully that will be enough. Almost out the door now, just shutting everything down and doing some last minute print outs of all my information. Hoping there is a good movie on the plane. 

Saturday’s in San Pedro are generally lively and filled with activity. The streets are filled with fresh tourists, experiencing their first weekend of vacation in this idyllic tropical paradise, as well as the locals, happy to relax after a long week of working. But this particular Saturday, there was a specific goal in mind among my friends and the influx of tourists I’ve met throughout the week. The St. Patrick’s Day Keg Party at Sweet Basil. People have been talking about it all week. It was fresh on the minds, as Tyler and I have littered shops and stores with fliers with one common goal in mind: To give people the opportunity to completely relax while enjoying awesome food and amazing company, while getting totally wasted.

Rum Punch and Belikin draft were flowing endlessly as people filtered in, wearing their green attire, ready for a full solid day of good ol’ Irish fun. The sounds of ‘Flogging Molly’ filled the air as the festivities began. A game of horseshoes commenced as people ate shrimp and chicken kebabs, complete with green pineapples. In the corner, a game of green beer pong encouraged even more drunken good times. The beer bong was passed around to anyone who dared. F.O.T.H.S. (Friends of the Humane Society) and Melody Wolfe provided favors for the party, including green face/body paint, and flashing lights for the dogs present.

As the day progressed into evening, Irish car bombs were passed around, as well as green jello shots, and the mood changed from “having a good time” to “having a drunken blast”. F.O.T.H.S. raffled off a gift basket filled with goodies, the main prize being an iPod Shuffle. Congratulations to Lorie Jackson for holding the winning ticket!

As for myself, it was a great opportunity to meet the people of the island that I hadn’t before, as well as to spend some good quality (drinking) time with friends. I had a blast, and as I tried everything that the cash bar and food menu had to offer, I was sad to see this evening come to an end. If you missed this one, you missed out on an all-around great time. Being in Belize now for a little over 3 months, I’ve found a home at Sweet Basil, from the monthly keggers to Jam Night, every Monday evening.

I tip my hat to Tyler, Jewels, Tim and James of Sweet Basil for creating the talk of the town with this event and giving us all a great venue.

See you all at the next one!

Joe in Belize




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