We booked our return bus tickets this morning. Decided to go on the first class Ado bus which cost us $380 pesos or $38 usd versus the $29 we spent on the way here. Not a big price difference – will see how much faster it is (turned out to be 1/2 h faster). I am glad we prearranged/payed the flight home and transfer service. Just had breakfast at 100% natural – we both had the popeye omelette’s with spinach and melted cheese – yum. Paul has gone to star bucks to get me a frape what a sweetheart. Time to go back and switch hotel rooms, we had originally booked a room with 1 bed with the online deal – they told us to stay put for the first day and move to a new room the second day. After we sort that out, we will head over to meet Michele, Rob and the kids at their house – from there we will call Carol and Rick and then head off to go to a Cenote. Pronounced [senote] which is a type of sinkhole containing groundwater typically found in the Yucata¡n Peninsula and some nearby Caribbean islands. The term is derived from a word used by the low-land Maya to refer to any location where groundwater is accessible. Funny my computer knows I am not in San Pedro anymore as I am getting spanish directions showing up for log ins and such. Michele says the internet here an be just as frustrating as it is in San Pedro and sometimes it takes a long time for her to post pictures to her blog – made me think we do not have it so bad after all. 5:41 pm Cenote Azul was amazing – the water was so clear and there were lot’s of fish to look at. We also got to see some very acrobatic people do some amazing things like go right into hand stands, hang off trees and watch people cliff diving, including Paul, Birdie and Rick – I have some great pictures to post when we get back to San Pedro. Right now I am sitting on 14th street just down the road from our hotel (managed to tap into an unsecured connection.) We are all taking a couple of hours down time then will meet up for dinner later – going to eat at La Parilla and probably stroll on 5h ave a bit.

Our new room

Bar area

Rick and Carol – we picked them up near their hotel in Puerto Aventuras

Walking to Cenote

View from above

View from above


Heading to secret stairway

Cenote Azul

Clean Clear water


Small piece of Heaven

So peaceful

Perfect day

Paul Rick



Cenote Azul

Me taken by Paul


Enjoying a cool swim

Dreamy afternoon

Cenote Azul

Cenote Azul


Cenote Azul

Clear cool water

Rick Cole Michele Birdie Carole Paul

Cenote Azul

Cenote Azul

Lush vegetation

Water was cool and refreshing

Paul and small fish

Feeding fish



Cole and Birdie deciding to jump or not to jump

Daniella doing back flip off dock

Very acrobatic

These guys were incredible

Daniella doing a flip

Pauls splash


Birdie found a new friend and jumping partner Daniella

Back flip off cliff

Rick at the top of cliff

Rick jumping

Rick’s spash

Cole Michele and I – by Birdie

Me – by Michele

Birdie Cole and I – by Michele


Water was like glass

Cenote Azul

Cenote Azul

Cenote Azul

Relaxing day

Steps down to Cenote Azul


This one also spun poi

2 at once

They made it look easy

Upside down


Very fit


Paul Rick Carol Michele

Doing a twist off the cliff

Cole Michele and I

One handed handstand at the edge of cliff

Cliff diver

Cat fish eating

Rick Carole Paul

Heading back to our hotels

Nap time

La Parilla

Big kitchen – food was fabulous as always

Inside La Parilla

Rick and Carol

Mariachi band

Making cigars