With all the hurricane hullabaloo, I realized that our water bill went missing. Beto said he would check with the water company to see if he had given us a copy, but it must have slipped his mind as we did not get any word. Not wanting to loose our water, especially with 3 buckets […]
I wanted to get some pictures for the school blog, so Paul and I Went to Holy Cross today for the afternoon services. We had a nice walk taking middle street up and the beach back, hot and sunny today and the beach seemed busier than usual as we headed back to town. We stopped […]
Jack Sparrow Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew Arrrrrrr stay tuned for more pirate adventures it be too late for blogging – tomorrow we invade Caye Caulker Pre – party at Pedro’s Used me pirate loot gambling Jack Sparrow and pirate ghost Arrr pirates 2 Pirates Young Pirate Our crew Coco makes an appearance Herb […]
The Fundraiser continues, Drummer Dan Still needs surgery right away and Chico Flores who needs our help towards medical expenses. Friends in Need Fundraiser Events Saturday September 15, 10 a.m. until? Road Kill Bar Yard Sale and Laura’s Famous Gumbo Dinner- BZ$10 Sunday September 16, 2 p.m. B.C.’s Beach Bar Auction Featuring an Antique Table […]
Dick popped me on the coconut phone a couple of hours ago to ask if we would do a favor for him. We were glad to help pick up his new boat. Paul drove the golf cart back while Dick Carole and I took the boat around to the dock near their place. We stopped […]
After a quiet day at home, we went to Pedro’s tonight for some pizza and hang out with our friends.