Food first of course. We did not want to turn up hungry at our fishing meeting and we instantly agreed that a stop our new favorite burrito place was in order. I wanted to get Leisa some crispy coconut treat too, it is super yummy and I knew she would be instantly hooked on it like we were. Love at first bite for burritos and coconut treats and returned for more of both within 24h 🙂
As you are driving down front street look for Belizean Melody Art Gallery and not to far past that you will see a fruit stand with a walk up window kitchen behind it.They have a good variety of local food and their prices are great. $7 stewed chicken with rice and beans, $3 chicken burrito, $4 egg burrito and chicken egg combo $5. If you have reached Belize Bank you have gone too far. I am not a super spicy food fan, the burritos do have a small kick to them but I would rate it not bad. The crispy coconut treats are made with raw sugar and have a sweet and almost slightly nutty taste to them, a pack of 2 will go far unless you are a total sweet tooth.

After enjoying lunch on the beach, we enjoyed a nice drive north. Dick decided we should take the back way and cut over on the road by Bamboo House. We do not go that way to often especially without bug spray. Luckily we made it through in one piece on the way there, on the way home we were major skeeter bait.

Just as I thought Rudy and Dick hit it off and before long we were deep in a brainstorming session about how we can build a sturdy and portable tensile tester. They talked about all the different parts that came to mind, torque wrenches, cranks, electronic gauges and old school dials. We Googled pictures and I was put on contact detail for the one company in China that we found.
The reply I got back so funny I decided to post it….
When receiving the reply to your inquiry, and you are not sure whether the sender is the one you contacted on, you are suggested to use our Email Checking Tool to confirm.
If the supplier on our website hasn’t added current email to their account, there is no result via Email Checking Tool. In this situation we suggest asking the sender to offer you Showroom address on, so that you can send the inquires by clicking “Contact Now” for safety consideration.
If you have any further question about this, please contact us.
My further question would be where is the answer to my first one “How much does the tensile tester cost”, but I know that would be futile. Somehow I am not surprised their had nothing to do with the tensile tester we were inquiring about – NEXT 🙂
Any of you boys out there or mechanical girls like Carolyn 🙂 have any thoughts on “How to build a tensile tester”. The main requirements are:
- It must look super stylish and not Sanford and Son
- Sturdy construction and able to with stand salt air
- Measure strength of knots tied with 50 pound fishing line
After we were finished brainstorming, looking at fishing pictures, we headed down to the dock for some boat time. Rudy’s fishing boat Strike Force Belize is really nice., so is Sean’s boat Caribe Too in the boat launch. When we were done there we went back to Rudy’s for a bit got checking out The Grand Canyon, Mexico and Belize on Google earth.

On our way home we saw some big dark clouds and we knew there was an 80% chance going to get wet at some point soon there was no escaping it. While stopped at Dicks place to drop him off and I talked him into going for pizza at Pedro’s with tacoboy, Lara and because Lori Jackson was bar tending. I wanted to drop my cameras off first, no need to carry them at night when I was not planning on taking any pictures. As we drove the short distance to my house that is when the rain hit, we just made it inside before it really started coming down hard. For how big the clouds were on our way home it did not rain as much as I expected it to.