Belize Weather Forecast July August September
July in Belize
July weather in Belize is similar to what I remember in southern Ontario. The daily high is around 88°F/31°C and the low is 78°F/26°C. On occasion, there may be 90°F/32°C+ days, but it is rare. July is also a fairly dry month. Generally
San Pedro has two “ex-pat celebrations” in July – Canada Day on the 1st and US Independence Day on the 4th – not so much during Covid.
August in Belize
August is typically the warmest month in Belize. Temperatures are consistently in the high 80’s F (high 20’s C) but can reach 94°F/34°C. Although officially the rainy season begins in June, there is often not too much rain until August. Good time to test the waters if you are planning on making your move to Belize, also for travelers to find off-season holiday deals.
September in Belize
September is both mine and my editor’s birth month, so we’re not happy campers when the September rains ruin our celebrations (along with the Battle of St. George’s Caye and Belize Independence day). Many times when it does rain it’s well after dark – which is around 6:45 pm during this time. Daytime highs for in the mid 80’s F/20’s C so September can be quite comfortable.