When was the last time you got a massage? If you had to pause to find an answer, there is a good chance you have gone too long without one. I was one of those people and am trying to change that and get body work done more often.
Scheduling massage therapy on a regular basis has many health benefits: stress relief, anxiety reduction, loosening tight muscles, pain management, injury recovery, builds healthy circulation, promotes better posture and more.
I noticed my shoulders were getting tight so I decided a follow up massage was in order since I got my last one from Ange at Banana Beach. I booked myself in for yesterday morning, this time I opted to go to her massage space as it is even closer to home.
While Ange was doing my intake write up she had me soaking in a nice bowl of peppermint and lime water. I told her what areas I was feeling tight in and she asked me what I was looking to get from the massage – I wanted relaxation, tension release and invigoration – tall order.
She started on my back rubbing the area in long, gentle strokes, to warm the tissue and stretch it out. I tend to hold tension in my the neck and shoulder region. I did not realize just how much till Ange started putting some elbow grease into untangling my knots.
I like that she did a lot of circular motion work and stretching my limbs to release tension in my muscles and allow them to move more freely. It was a direct compliment to the range of motion stretching I have been doing on my own.
No matter what your reason is for booking a massage, Ange will work to make sure you get the results you desire and you leave feeling lighter.
Ange’s Resume
– Trained at Monterey Institute of Touch in Carmel Valley California
– Certified Massage Therapist
– Modalities are Swedish, Esalen, Reflexology, Deep Tissue, Polarity, and Aromatherapy.
– According to clients needs she gives a Therapeutic massage that incorporates the specialized modalities .
– Price for an Angel Touch massage is $60USD + $10USD for out calls for 1 hour local pricing available during summer months.
– Contact cell#626-9527

Rena, stil not seen the particular kind you want but keeping an eye open and I have your email if one crosses my path, I will let you know.
Hello….I haven’t been to Belize for many years; however every time we stayed there to scuba dive with our group from Santa Fe, New Mexico, I always purchased a tropical wind chime as shown above in this Belize Category.
Can you advise me if I can still purchase a wind chime so far away from Belize? I don’t plan on vacationing anytime soon due to this COVID19 virus, but I’d love to purchase a new wind chime for my home (along with the other 5 chimes that I already have).
thank you, Renea Rodriguez, Santa Fe, New Mexico