One of the places I recommend most to people is the Ambergris Caye Belize message board. Lately it has been to people for it’s classified section, you can always score good deals there.
Recently I posted classifieds because I wanted to get a land-line telephone. Within 24h I had a phone call from Guest Supply House, and my number was not even listed in post, within 48h I had an email from the Kumars who have a spare cordless phone. Now that is what I call fast action 🙂
A few other classifieds that are always worth checking are San Pedro Sun, Ambergris Today, and San Pedro Daily. I have been recommending all 3 lately to people who are apartment hunting from afar. Recently Dick placed a few ads in San Pedro Sun newspaper one apartment for rent and one marine gas tank for sale for sale. He got calls right away in regards to the 2 bedroom apartment he is renting.
Today the two of us are heading north, I decided to bring Dick to my fishing meeting so he can meet Rudy. I figured it is time my 2 wing-men meet in person since they both love boats and fishing.
I will leave you with another piece of our moving story and pictures of view of town from San Pedrito area and Dicks new skeeter smoker. It works great especially if you like you do not mind smelling like you have been hanging out at a campfire 🙂 Click link to see more 9 more pictures of the San Pedro Town Board restoration project in the lagoon area.
When we made our move to Belize we did it in two trips and 8 suitcases. The first time around we went to Dollarama store and loaded up on all kinds of inexpensive kitchen things, that worked very well as out first apartment came furnished but the kitchen was empty. A few people said I was crazy to pack 2 boxes of Ikea cutlery that I scored at a friends yard sale for $5 each, but different. We did not have nearly the choice available to us on the island today that we do now. It has been interesting talking to Dicks neighbor John, he moved here 30 years ago and there was no shopping and aound 1000 people on the island.
3 things I wish I had brought when we moved here but didn’t.
- Our full set of pots and pans. We brought half and the other half disappeared. Even though I am not a cook, I miss our big soup size pot.
- Twin size flat sheets. I use one of these across our king size bed as a bedspread, much cooler than our empty duvet covers that I use in the winter.
- My backgammon board, we have one here but it it small and I miss playing on the board I grew up with.

Roman check the Ambergris Caye message board classified section, there are often places to rent listed there –
Does anyone know of a clean furnished apartment available near SAGA with air-conditioning, washer, etc that is safe and preferably NOT on the first floor.
Thank you,
While you are probably right for the most part Dr Al, Dicks mom and dad will be glad to see his feet, I am sure they met John on one of their trips too 🙂
Please repost the last photo. Your readers very likely don’t want to look at two guys’ feet. TY