Easter is always the busiest weekend of the year in San Pedro. Many families come from mainland Belize to enjoy our beautiful island and if you have not made a reservation yet good luck as places are usually booked up by now. Below are just a few of the many Easter weekend events happening on Ambergris Caye. Walking the beach on Easter Sunday and seeing everyone out having fun is always one of my favorite Easter Activities on the island.
[divide style=”2″]Hello Poker Friends,
We have a great week of poker planned at Pedro’s Poker Club. Bob Bounahra is closing down the poker room in Belize City for the week and we’re picking up where he leaves off.
We are pleased to announce our new Bad Beat Jackpot. The jackpot is currently at $3500 and we will be adding to it weekly until it is hit. To qualify for the bad beat jackpot, you must have any quads beat, and when you do, everyone at the table will win something. We are paying 40% to the losing hand, 10% to the winning hand and 50% split among all players at the table.
We’re also still running our Tablet Computer High Hand promotion. If you get the High Hand for the month of April, you have your pick of an Acer Iconia Tab or Kindle Fire. Phil won last month with Quad Kings with a 9 kicker. See what you can hit this month.
Cash Games
This week we’ll be running No Limit Holdem cash games with limits ranging from 1/2 US up to 5/10 US with a chance of a 10/25US over the weekend. We’ve got extra tables and dealers, so multiple games will be running each day.
Cash games will be:
Thursday – 7pm
Friday – 7pm
Saturday – 6pm
Sunday – 6pm
Monday – 7pm
Tuesday – 7pm
Wednesday 7pm
As usual, we provide free food and drinks for cash players.
Buy-ins for our Cash games will be as follows:
1/2 us NL Holdem – $50 min, $200 max
2/5 us NL Holdem – $100 min, $1,000 max
5/10 us NL Holdem – $500 min, $10,000 max
10/25 us NL Holdem – $2,500 min, No Max
Also this week is our first annual San Pedro Poker Open tournament. We will be holding $50 and $100 satellites on Thursday night and Friday night starting at 7pm. The Main tournament schedule is as follows:
Saturday 4pm: $200bz No Limit Hold’em Warm-up Tournament. $7500 chips, 15 minute levels
Sunday 5pm: $500bz No Limit Hold’em Championship Event. $15000 chips, 20 minute levels
We are expecting a good turnout this week with a lot of Belize City players and a plenty of guests here on holiday. I certainly hope to see you all there.
Best Regards and Better Cards,
Jason @ Pedro’s
Find us on facebook Pedro’s Poker

Hi Everyone ,
Get pampered for Easter at CG Esthetic 🙂 I have a special for tomorrow of 10% on hair color and Highlights. Also till Easter 10% on manicure , pedicure and Back Treatment, with a nice glass of wine.
Call for appointment at 626-2154
Have a great weekend
Thank you
San Pedro Lions Club – Pancake Brunch with the Easter Bunny
On Saturday, April 7th the San Pedro Lion’s Club will be hosting a pancake brunch with the
Easter Bunny. From 10am until 1pm guests will enjoy a delicious pancake meal with sausage,
fruit, fun pancake toppings, juice and coffee. Children’s activities will include a coloring table,
Bobbing for Easter Eggs, face painting, balloon dart game, jumping tent for small children and
more. Parents are invited to bring their camera and snap a photo of their child with the Easter
Bunny. The event will be held at the San Pedro Lion’s Den. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for
children 12 and under. Tickets are available from Lion’s Members or at The San Pedro Sun office
located on Barrier Reef Drive.

Good Morning Friends,
We are hosting a fund raiser for the San Pedro Sailing Team.
It is this Saturday at The Hotel in Molly Malones Irish Pub at noon to 5:00 ish.
We are brand new and located just a 1/2 mile North of the bridge. The BIG white hotel!
The kids are sailing from town up to The Hotel for lunch about noon and an Easter Egg Hunt at 1:00.
There is also an ADULT SCAVENGER HUNT starting at 1:00. This is going to be done off FaceBook. You may sign up between now and Friday night at Molly Malones. Cost is 20.00 BZ. All proceeds to go the sailing team for jerseys and gloves. The list of items to be found for the scavenger hunt will be posted on FaceBook at 1:00 on Saturday, you will have until 5:00 to complete. The first person/cpl to The Hotel with all items will recieve dinner for two, 100.00 bar tab, an ADULT gift basket and a two nights stay for the GRAND PRIZE.
Walter Castillo is having an art exhibit all weekend at The Hotel in our Wine Lobby. Come and see his beautiful art work and meet Walter. 5% of all painting are going to the Sailing Team.
This is all for a good cause. We have the most amount of sailors (kids under 16) in the country and not enough boats to support them. We have over 100 kids on the waiting list to become apart of the team and not enough boats for them to sail or time in the day with the seven boats we have to allow everyone to sail.
Every dollar counts!
At this time you may sponsor a boat for 1500.00 US and your logo will go on the side of the boat. We will host two regattas a year at your place which will generate the cost of the boat back to you. YES THAT SIMPLE!
Or coming in and signing up for the scavenger hunt will help buy a pair of gloves for the team and contribute to the purchase of jerseys.
At this point we have 6 boats being offer for sponsorship. We need 14 more. When we can buy 20, we get 26 boats in the fleet.
Please help the kids of Ambergris Caye and San Pedro. This is a great sport and something the kids will keep for a life time. Help keep our kids on the right track with positive reinforcement.
Tammy Peterson
I recently got a request from Cindy Alaya whose ‘stuff’ was piling up and that a friend of hers from Caye Caulker wanted to join the fun, so we are having Easter Stuff Swap 6pm Sunday at Pedro’s Pizza. Bring what ever you no longer need or use [in decent condition] and enjoy some free shopping. We put all the stuff on the pool table and it is great free shopping. To get an idea of what our swaps look like and what makes it on the table, check out the 2007 Easter Weekend Stuff Swap and the Stuff Swap facebook invite. If you do not have stuff to swap but are interested come anyways there is always lots of cool stuff to go around.
Thanks Al I need a prayer that I kick this crud that is keeping me sick and maybe one that the Easter bunny delivers chocolate ha ha.
Did you know that at 3PM today 2000 years ago in Judea a nice Jewish rabbi died for our sins and here you go on with gambling, pagan bunnies, and other manner of sin and debauchery common to S/P. Not to worry Laurie I will pray for you. Because as you look out onto the water later today:…” I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire.”
Revelation, 15. 2 I would get on a fast boat to St Francis Xavier in Czl and ask Fr Chris for a confessional:). And then drive quickly to Bullet Tree, Cayo. Ms Ships will put you up in her guest room a until A/C is cleansed. Good luck and best wishes.