Our alarm was set for 6:30 am to be up early for the big day. Upon waking up we knew there was a good chance the fundraiser was not going to happen due to pouring rain, so we both went back to sleep. Belize weather isn’t always perfect – sometimes in interrupts plans.
After waking up and checking my email, I got the following message from Diane Campbell with a request to spread the word – Liberty Event Rain Check – The Liberty Children’s Home Bar-B-Q planned for today, 27 May, at Pedro’s Inn has been canceled due to bad weather. A new date for the fundraiser will be announced soon.
The rain stopped for a bit, started and stopped again – typical weather in Belize. We are getting lots of loud thunder right now and it looks like it is about to be thrown down big time. If you feel like braving the weather, today is Angie and Fritz’s last Sunday Jam at Crazy Canucks before the lease is taken over by new management.
Belize Rain report by Cowboy Doug via SMS and 1. “1/10th” when I emptied last night. Just a bit and I will check I am lighting the grill. Only 1/10th up here since last night.”
Here are a few pictures from last night’s San Pedro Poker run. We started out with drinks, gringo burgers, fries and heavy rain at Roadkill Bar, no one got too soaked though. Wings and drinks Average Joe’s came next, followed by Lola’s Pub, Wayo’s and Pedro’s for more drinks and pizza.
Cost $25 BZD to enter, and the poker run Omaha style now instead of best 5 card hand. Everyone has a much better chance of winning this way if the cards they are getting are not great. At the last bar, 5 cards are drawn – first 3 are the flop then comes the turn and lastly river. Players pick the best 2 cards in their hand and pair them with the 5 cards on the table – best hand takes the pot. Dov was the big winner of the evening with quad queens. He promptly rang the bell to share his prize of $550 BZD with any poker players that wanted to partake in a shot of Jagermeister.