palm leaf belize

Cottage Weather

Today’s island weather reminds me of waking up at the cottage, and that fall is coming fast. The birds are singing and there is very peaceful energy. I remember those fun days  as a kid and later in our adult years in Muskoka at my cousins cottage, we had so many good times up there.

I hope it gets hot like Indian summer later, doing a small dinner party tonight and it would be nice have the air a bit warmer. I am not up for the polar bear pool thing. I almost find it hard to believe that I jumped in Lake Muskoka in March one year. I forget how cold it was but lets just say beyond freezing covers it – what a rush.

It is cooling of a lot now and I can hear thunder rumbling in the background. If the Maya weather god is listening better to get rain out of the way now versus later please.

belize banana trees
Banana trees
belize flowers
Bright orange flowers against the blue sky
palm leaf belize
Palm leaf

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