Palapa Bar and Grill

Where Ever You Go….

Insight Guides In case you missed it on facebook page, my write up on for fried jacks at Estel’s Dine by the Sea was picked for Insight Guides 8 Best Breakfasts in the World Post. Ever since the day I first tried them, I gave up toast with my standard favorite of bacon, eggs over easy […]

travel safe tips and recomendations

Travel Safe and Busy Planning

I recently read and replied to an interesting thread on keeping possessions safe in Belize. While most hotels do offer safes in their rooms or in the lobby but there is always a possibility you may find yourself in need of some good stashing ideas. I have listed a few simple tricks below should ever […]

Youcan Toucan and Casitas Tres Cocos Resort North Ambergris Caye

North Ambergris Caye Hot Spot

I was recently invited to a cool party across the bridge by a friend who was doing some marketing for a new North Ambergris Caye Hot Spot and he said I could bring a plus one. I picked my friend Sandie as is always willing to play chauffeur and I knew she would enjoy a […]